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Q: What do some people put on their front door?
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What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence He put his wet umbrella into the metal stand beside the front door?

The prepositional phrase in this sentence is "beside the front door." It serves to describe the location of the metal stand in relation to the front door.

Why do people put change at their front door?

If a burglar come into your home they will take the change, so you know someone has entered your home.

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look for some hot sauce and put it in your inventory and put an O berry on it and give it to the black PUFFLE. in front the door

What was the favorite Halloween prank of the Irish?

They put poo in a bag and put it in front of the door

What does it mean when two knives are placed under the doormat of the backdoor with a bone and the front door mat.?

some one put a spell on you

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they put sand bags in front of their door to stop the water coming in or the helicopter would come and take them

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Put a brick or something in front of it

What are pumpkins supposed to scare?

People say onions scare vampires , but its not that's why they originally put pumpkins on their front door step. But this is not real its what people say but its just a fake thing.

Do you put flowers in front of the tombstone or behind it when you are at the cemetery It seems a lot of people put them in front but have been told the proper place is behind where the bodies are?

Putting flowers in front of a tombstone is customary when visiting a grave site. Some people may choose to put the flowers behind it, but it is normal to put them in front. It could all be about personal preference as well.

Can a comma be placed before a but.?

Yes it can, but some people say you shouldn't put a comma in front of an and.

What is the history of a double front door?

Tony slammed his nose in a door. So another one had to be put in. Cause hes dumb.

If your cats love to dunk their head in the toilet how do you get them to stop?

Close the toilet seat or toilet door, also, close the door of the bathroom if you don't want to keep the bathroom door shut for some reason just put something in front of the door to block it. Your cat is probably thirsty. Put the toilet seat down, and change its water in its bowl regularly.