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There are hundreds of different symbols and motifs that can be found on traditional pysanky. Many date back into Ukrainian prehistory, and almost all certainly pre-date Christianity. The meanings of many have been lost, others have changed over time, and some we can only guess at.

The names and meaning of various symbols and design elements vary from region to region, and even from village to village. Similar symbols can have totally different interpretations in different places, and can even be called by very different names.

A pysanka is not a rebus or a coded message. There is no "secret decoder ring" that will spit out a hidden message. Instead, you must consider the organic whole of the decorated egg, not just its individual components. Pysanky are themed, so to speak: they invoke protection, fertility, or a good harvest. You have to look at the totality of the design, ask its name (many traditional designs are named) and consider its history to understand what it might mean.

That being said, these are some of the symbols found on pysanky, and some of their common interpretations. Note that some of these interpretations are fairly modern, and probably those of the Ukrainian diaspora, and not common in Ukraine itself. (To see examples of these symbols, click on either of the links below in "related links")



Circles around the egg: The thread of life or eternity and immortality; symbol of protection (evil cannot penetrate that which has no beginning and no end)

Wavy line around the egg: Water, abundance and productivity, harmony and motion


Berehynia: stylized female figures representing the ancient mother-goddess

Sigma: S-shaped symbol of the ancient zmiya/water god

Cross (even-armed): Ancient sun symbol

Cross (one arm longer): Christ symbol

Churches: Christianity (early versions may have been pagan temples)


Dots or small circles: Stars or constellations; Mary's tears

Deer or horse: sun symbol; it was a pagan belief that a horse (or stage) carried teh sun across the sky

Eight-pointed star: Ancient symbol of Dazhboh, the Slavic sun god

Swastika: Ancient symbol of Svaroh, god of the heavens, representing the course of the sun through the sky


Crosshatching or net: plowed fields

Rakes/combs: rain symbols

Dots: seeds

Diamond: Knowledge

Spirals: Protection from dangery

Triangles: Holy Trinity; earth wind and fire

Heart: Love (hearts are always in the center of the motif)


Ruzha or rozha (eight petals): a version of the eight pointed star, it is a sun symbol

Flowers: The female principle denoting wisdom, elegance and beauty

Trees: Long life, good health, strength and youthfulness

Oak leaves or acorns: Oaks were once the symbol of Perun, the Slavic god of thunder and lightning., and symbolize strength and energy

Pine branches: Youth and eternal life

Wheat: Wealth and prosperity

Grapevine: Holy communion


Fish: Christ symbol

Deer and Horses: Wealth and prosperity, endurance, leadership, victory, joy. Both were masculine symbols. The stag was also a sun symbol, as it was a great stag who carried the sun across the sky every day in Slavic mythology

Ram or ram's horns: Leadership, strength, dignity, and perseverance

Birds: Fertility and fulfillment of wishes; Coming of spring

Roosters: Fertility

Bees: Hard work

Butterfly: A symbol of a carefree childhood

Spider web: Perseverance, patience, artistry, and industry; healing power

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