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In a rather perverse way, it can be said the rebirth of slavery in the US Southern States was due in part by the lack of a money crop to profitable export. Many historians point out that slavery was becoming a declining institution because of increasing expense of harvesting cotton. Apart from tobacco, which was a soil wasting crop, it depleted the soil rapidly. Other crops such as corn, wheat and rice made for no great wealth. The Cotton Gin made harvesting cotton allot easier, thus the more slaves the South had, the more cotton could be planted & the more profitable were the cotton plantations. Within two years of the widespread use of the cotton gin, the demand for slave labor drastically increased. By the end of those two years, the price of slaves doubled.

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Adrianna Wiegand

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2y ago
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The cotton gin made cotton farming more profitable. Hence, cotton farming expanded, and more labor was needed.

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Q: What did the cotton gin increase the need for?
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Do you need cotton gin?

If you're in the cotton business, you may need a cotton gin.

What created the need for the cotton gin?

The fact that picking cotton with slaves was too slow, and the industrial state of America needed to increase production of cotton, so the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney

What invention led to increase in cotton productions?

The cotton gin!

What invention led to the increase in cotton production?

The cotton gin!

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cotton gin

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The cotton gin led to a huge increase in the number of slaves in the South. This happened because the cotton gin caused more cotton to be produced.

What made slavery increase in South Carolina?

The cotton gin.

What invention lad to an increase in the demand for slaves?

Cotton gin

What invention led to an increase in the slaves in the south?

The cotton gin

What was the need of the cotton gin?

It takes out the seeds from the cotton faster.

What American invention help to increase cotton production?

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

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