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you can put any words BUT WATCH ANIMEULTIMA.TV

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Q: What comment should you put in a origami chatterbox?
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there should be a thing when your adding a comment that says 'add photo' there should be a thing when your adding a comment that says 'add photo'

How do you delete a comment someone posted on your wall?

there is normally a cross next to the comment, if u can't see it then put your mouse over the top right corner of the comment box and there should be a cross.

What are those origami things called that have the four areas that you put your fingers in them?

Those are Fortune Tellers, if I am understanding you right. Just google 'origami fortune teller'; for more.

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if u like em post :) or ;) if ya doont just put lol.

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you put <u> before the text and then at the end of the text you put </u> then your comment will come out underlined

What can you write on your chatterbox?

The possibilities are endless!Personally, I think you should put two nice/good messages and two bad messages in your chatterbox. Like: Something special will happen to you this week, you will be in the newspaper or TV for good reasons! will unfortunately have bad luck today, It will rain today, you smell stuff like that. But don't make the messages too harsh otherwise the victim will feel hurt and sad. Have fun!

How can you create a comment in a C plus plus program?

There are two ways:The single line comment with a double slash //. Everything after the double slash on a single line is commented out.The multi-line comment using a /* to open, and a */ to close.A good IDE will color code the comments instantly.

How do you put a comment on your horses auction on Howrse?

Howrse has had a bit of a change around and you can no longer put comments/messages when selling your howrse. Only if you put your comment for the horses name!.....

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Before i put this comment...

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3 Tags:To put a comment you put them inside on your page.

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