To stain PVC or plastic in different colors, use tetrahydrofuran, also known as THF. This dissolved the outer layer of the PVC or plastic, so that the dye molecules can be absorbed.
use paint thinner or white spirits
Identify plasticizer used in pvc
A PVC cleaner will remove oil deck stain from the vinyl part of a window. Pour the cleaner on a clean sponge or rag and wipe in the direction of the grain to remove the stain.
PVC Primer and PVC glue
PVC is commonly used in plumbing
It's not used for making PVC resin, but it is used in processing it - they use it as a lubricant when making rigid PVC articles like pipe.
The solvent commonly used for PVC is tetrahydrofuran (THF). It is often used to dissolve PVC for various applications such as adhesive formulations or polymer processing.
Chlorinated - PVC normally used on hot water
PVC interacts with lipid in TPN.
PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, which is what PVC pipes are made of.
No gasoline will melt regular white PVC pipe!