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Q: What are the good and bad points of growing cotton?
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What are good and bad points of cotton?

its smellyy

What are the good and bad points of cotton?

Good: > Turns into useful items. > Produces clothes. Bad: > If you wear Cotton clothes you might get a rash. ( Depends if you are allergic to Cotton. ) > With Cotton some items are wasted. :P By A.K!=]

Bad properties of cotton?

properties of cotton bad points. .it wrinkles easily

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good points include free energy bad points include they take up lots of room

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Bad points.

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Good points - Zero. Bad points - yet another unjustified intrusion by officialdom into personal privacy and freedom.

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good is serve people and bad is to make schams

Why is cotton bad to wear in water?

Cotton is bad to wear in water and in cold weather because it holds in moisture. This makes it good for summer wear.

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no it's good.

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The good points about wood are that its strong but the bad point is that it can get damp or termites can eat it.

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Which Henry III - of France, England or the Holy Roman Empire. Each one had good points and bad points. None could be considered bad.

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bad is it explodes and people die and good is they don't usually explodes