Because of the way that fabric is woven out of thread, it can easily come apart into its constituent threads at the edge of the fabric. The zigzag shape of an edge makes it slightly harder for the fabric to come apart. The shears are called "Pinking Shears"
Pinking scissors are called pinking shears because they create a zigzag pattern along the edge of fabric to prevent fraying. The zigzag pattern resembles the teeth of pinking shears, which is where the name comes from.
Serging or zigzag stitching a fabric keeps the fabric from unraveling.Serging trims the loose threads and encloses the edge in a thread casing.If a serger is not available, zigzag stitching the edge will enforce the fabric edge and keep it from unraveling.
Used to finish edges of cloth with a zigzag cut for decoration or to prevent raveling or fraying.
There are scissors used in sewing called Pinking Shears that are used to cut out seams, and yes they prevent fraying. These scissors are to be used for fabric only. To use otherwise would dull the scissors edge. There are also craft scissors with a zig zag patterned edge used to make decorative edges for use on paper only. These scissors do not work on fabric.
The overcast stitch is a type of hand sewing used on a raw (unfinished) edge to prevent unraveling of the fabric. It is stitched twice over the edge of the fabric to make a zigzag.
Zigzagging a cut edge helps prevent fraying by finishing the raw edges of the fabric. It provides a simple and effective way to secure the edges and create a clean, neat finish.
scissors with zigzag edges on them. they are in the scissor isle.
The finished edge of fabric is called the selvage.
Fabric projects are hemmed to finish the edge. Without a hem, the edge of a woven fabric can fray or unravel. When the fabric is hemmed (either by folding under the fabric, or by using a serger), the edge of the fabric is reinforced and prevented from fraying.
The answer is shears
The fabric between the seam and the cut edge is referred to as the seam allowance.