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Q: What are some of the key innovations that a marker has undergone since its original invention?
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What are adjectives for marker?

some adjectives for marker could be: blue marker, red marker, black marker

Did the 19th century technology start as a invention?

no. everyone had complete knowledge of all technological findings between 1800 and 1899 as part of an instinctual marker in there genes. No knowledge had to be processed through deduction, inspiration, or epiphanous relevation. I'm kidding. All technology is based off of some invention.

Can you clean permanent marker stains with bleach?

I would only do so if the surface was already bleached. If you need to retain the original color, especially with fabric and textiles, then you want to use ammonia. Ammonia will not destroy the original color.

What does a data marker does?

data marker

What does a data marker do?

data marker

What is a felt maker called?

A felt marker is simply called a marker or felt marker.

What is the original location of Atakapa Indians?

Atakapa Historical Marker locatedbetween DeRidder and Merryville,Louisiana at intersection ofUS Hwy 190 and LA Hwy 111

What is a dependent marker word?

With is not a dependent marker.

Where is mile marker 26?

Halfway between mile marker 25 and mile marker 27.

You see a white marker with an Orange circle and black lettering. What does this marker tell you?

This is a non-lateral marker. It can indicate a controlled area, such as no wake. It can be an informational marker, a "keep out" marker, or a warning marker (Dam, Rock, etc)

When you drag a hanging indent marker does the left indent marker move with it?

No, when you drag a hanging indent marker, the left indent marker stays in place. The hanging indent marker only adjusts the position of the second line of the paragraph relative to the first.

What is the birth name of Harry Marker?

Harry Marker's birth name is William Harry Marker Jr..