.mil stands for military. It Is The Highly trusted domain.
.mil stands for military top-level domain name
All military units / branches use .mil as their domain suffix.
.mil is a "military" Internet domain reserved for the US Department of Defense.
Yes, you can get an e-mail address with a ".mil" domain by becoming an employee of a civilian or military or government facility that uses such a domain. The vast majority of such employees are non-military and have no military background. However, not all such facilities use ".mil" e-mail addresses, and, even if they do, it does not mean that all their employees are given an e-mail address at all, much less one with a ".mil" domain; obviously, it is on an "as-needed" basis.
Thsi is the TLD (top level domain) name of the military e.g. army etc
The.com TLD (top-level domain name) stands for COMmercial. Domains in .com are typically registered by for-profit companies. The .mil TLD (top-level domain name) stands for MILitary. Domains in .mil are available only to the United States military and affiliated organizations. The .org TLD (top-level domain name) stands for ORGanization. Domains in .org have traditionally been registered by not-for-profit organizations like charities and industry groups. However, anyone may register a .org domain for any purpose.
Several domains were registered on 1 Jan 1985; networks with only one domain don't make much sense! The first domains were edu, mil, gov, net and arpa. Most of these were registered to DARPA - the exception was mil - registered to the defense data network. The first commercial (.com) domain was symbolics.com; registered in March 1985.
Several domains were registered on 1 Jan 1985; networks with only one domain don't make much sense! The first domains were edu, mil, gov, net and arpa. Most of these were registered to DARPA - the exception was mil - registered to the defense data network. The first commercial (.com) domain was symbolics.com; registered in March 1985.
The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting. The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting.
Mil can be the old fashioned word for mille (a thousand) especially in dates L'an mil neuf cent = Mille neuf cent = the year 1900 or mil can be the millet (cereal)