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The finger pointing up emoji signifies agreement, approval, or a positive response.

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Q: What does the finger pointing up emoji signify?
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Related questions

What does the finger pointing up symbolize in various cultures and contexts?

The finger pointing up symbolizes different things in various cultures and contexts, such as authority, direction, positivity, or a call to attention.

What does the index finger pointing up symbolize in various cultures and contexts?

The index finger pointing up symbolizes different things in various cultures and contexts, such as authority, attention, approval, or the number one.

What is use of Pointing stick?

It's good for pointing at things on a map or high up. My finger is too fat and too short to point at those things.

What are tennis signals for ball in or out?

You stick your first finger up if the ball is out. If it is in, you hold your hand flat with your fingers pointing sideways.

How do you make a thumbs up sign on facebook chat?

To make thumbs up you need to press the keys (Y) and it will come up with a thumb pointing upwards. However if you want to do a thumb pointing downwards then you press the keys (N). These Y and N symbols stand for yes and no. If your meaning on a ipod/ipad/iphone, just install a the application called "Emoji".... I have it myself! Hope This Helped!

In American Sign Language what is the meaning of waving your index finger up and down?

Waving your index finger up and down in American Sign Language can signify negation, refusal, or disagreement. It is commonly used to express a strong "no" response.

How do you finger if your a girl?

the most common method is to use two fingers the pointing and the middle finger and shove it up and down her pusssy. But to really treat her ues your tonge and go up and down in and out im 15 and works with my girl all the time

Why do people excuse themselves in church pointing their second finger upward?

its a sign of respect to god for disturbing service by getting up in the middle of the service.

Steps to say no in sign language?

To sign "no" in American Sign Language, hold your dominant hand up with your index finger extended and pointing downward. Move your finger side to side in a shaking motion. This signifies the concept of "no" without using any spoken words.

When was Pointing Up created?

Pointing Up was created in 1982.

Can emoji show up on your android from a iphone?

No because Androids are stupid.

How do you spell Kaitlynn in sign language?

It is very easy to finger spell Kaitlynn, or any name, in sign language. Names and such you need to finger spell each letter, there is no quick sign to say them: K - Tuck your thumb in between your index and middle finger, your middle and index will be pointing outwards, the index finger pointing up. A - Make a fist, palm out, knuckles facing up, with the thumb pointing upwards. I - Pinky finger up, all other fingers are closed, hand palm out. T - You will make a fist with your index finger overlapping your thumb. (like in the child's game of taking their nose) palm face out. L - Like as the band, Smash Mouth, says. You make the shape of an "L" with your index and thumb (this will be backwards to you, but will be proper to the reader). Y - Palm out with the pinky finger up, the thumb pointing away from the rest and the others in a fist-like position. N - Your index and middle finger will overlap the thumb. Your other fingers remain like in a fist position. N - Repeat the above*