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Q: Virginia Woolf stood apart from her age comment?
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Was there any black men who stood up and did not take it?

yes my grandfather he was attacked in a alambama barber shop and beat. He was beat for making a comment about whites

Commander whose reinforcements from Virginia stood firm during the First Battle of Bull Run?

Stonewall Jackson

Why did Virginia begin to use slaves?

Indentured servants didn’t work because most of the time they melted into the population without serving the 7 years, but an African slave stood out and any person who was African was a slave. Virginia needed workers and slavery was the answer.

Where did Patrick Henry's speech take place?

The speech was given March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having single-handedly convinced the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War.

What is the past particle for stood?


What is the present perfect tense of stand?

The future tense of stand is "will stand."

Is stood an adverb?

No, the word stood is not an adverb.Stood is a verb, because it is an action.

What is the past tense of stands?

The past tense of stand is stood.

What part of speech is stood?

Stood is a verb.

Use stood in sentence?

i stood for my rights.

Did the year 1676 mark a turning point in the history of American English colonies why?

Yes that is the year Nathaniel Bacon stood up against the government in Virginia. They were unfair and injustice to the middle and lower classes.