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Q: The measurable quantities of the gases at equilibrium must be?
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Related questions

Why must a hypothesis be measurable?

Yes. A hypothesis must be testable to become a theory.

Why is the equilibrium price stable and therefore must be allowed to stay?

It must be less than the equilibrium price

What quantities sum to zero when a system is in equilibrium?

In a system in equilibrium, the sum of all forces acting on an object must be zero according to Newton's first law of motion. Additionally, for a system in rotational equilibrium, the sum of all torques must also be zero.

This variable must be measurable to obtain results?

The work that is being done must be measurable in order to obtain results. When businesses don't measure activity levels they jeopardize the business.

What is a factor that must be present if a system is to be considered to be in a state of equilibrium?

Balance is a factor that must be present if a system is in a state of equilibrium.

How do you use measureable in a sentence?

my standard measurement is 6 feet high

Why must atomic and ionic radii be estimated?

Atomic and ionic radii are estimated because they are not directly measurable quantities. They are theoretical values based on experimental data and mathematical models. Estimating these radii helps in understanding the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds.

What type of variable must be measurable to obtain results?

either independent or dependent

What must be true for equilibrium to occur?

No disruptive circumstances must be present in random mating in a population for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to occur. Mating must happen randomly. No allele can give an advantage

What the first condition of equilibrium?

I am not sure about numbering, but for an object to be in equilibrium, two conditions must be fulfilled:The sum of all the forces on the object must be zero.The sum of all the torques must be zero.

What must be for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium to occur?

mating must happen randomly

What is the equilibrium rule of torques?

The equilibrium rule of torques states that the sum of the torques acting on an object in rotational equilibrium must be zero. This means that the clockwise torques must balance out the counterclockwise torques for the object to remain stationary. Mathematically, this is expressed as ∑τ = 0, where ∑τ represents the sum of the torques.