I wouldn't read to much into it, but if you are concerned then sit down and ask her what the picture is about, ask he if it's a sad picture. Ask her if she feels sad, you don't want to make her think she is doing anything wrong, just give her brighter colours even suggest 'happy' pictures, but don't overly interfere, I'm sure it's nothing.
Yes, you should be concerned and have her evaluated by her doctor.
My 36 year old very fit daughter has very low blood pressure, 96/63. Is this something she should be concerned about.
No you shouldn't, because to me its just young love. It is their choice to be in a relationship, and since their young, i doubt anything big will happen. So you should not be concerned at all.
No. It's normal. It's odd if you don't have one.
Yes you can ask but you can't force him to. He has as much rights as a parent to do what he wants with those pictures as you do. If the child is old enough to speak her mind he should respect it though and your daughter can then contact Facebook.
Excessive sleep in teenagers can be caused by various factors such as growth spurts, hormonal changes, stress, or underlying health issues. It is important to monitor your daughter's sleep patterns and consult a healthcare professional if you are concerned about her excessive sleep.
I personally do not, but there are numerous photos of her online. If you search for "Bobbi Kristina," you should easily be able to find some pictures.
You should be concerned. Because without it no life would be there on earth.
If this is a new thing for the dog, yes, you should be concerned.
Humans should be concerned about endangering all animals.
yes you should be concerned about mold on the skin. they are not natural flora.
* You are her mother so you should feel comfortable discussing 'gently' with your daughter (do not attack her about her fiance) that he is arrogant and is there a reason why he is like this. I am sure she has noticed this quality in him herself. If she doesn't want to discuss this with you then perhaps your husband or yourself can have a heart to heart talk with your future son-in-law and be pleasant, but firm and tell him his arrogance is a turn off and you are concerned as to how he will treat your daughter. Be ready for a bomb to go off from your daughter if you do this, but you have every right to be concerned. If both don't listen then you are going to have to bite the bullet; let them get married and hope for the best. Don't carry on this conversation into the present or it could alienate your daughter from you.