

Best Answer

Sandpaper will take care of the rust and Clorox for the mold. Good luck!

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Q: Removing rust and mold spots from lampshades?
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Is rust a mold?

No, rust is not a mold. Rust is a form of corrosion that occurs when iron or its alloys are exposed to moisture and oxygen over time. Mold, on the other hand, is a type of fungus that grows in multicellular filaments on organic matter.

Can LPs rust or mold?

LPs cannot rust or mold.

Is Evapo-Rust safe to use on car paint with rust spots?

Evapo-Rust is safe to use on car paint with rust spots. It is a non-toxic and non-corrosive rust remover that won't harm the paint when used properly. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the product label and rinse the treated area thoroughly after use.

How do rust spots develop on paver tiles and do they weaken the tiles?

I don't know how the rust spots got there but they wont effect the strength of the tiles

How do you clean rust spots?

lemonjuice and salt.

Is rust a count noun or a non-count noun?

The noun rust is a non-count noun. Units of rust are worded as 'spots of rust' or 'patches of rust'

How do you remove the rust from a pair of garden shears?

WD40 is good for removing most of the rust.

What does a green colour around a copper water pipe mean?

mold or rust

Can bleach take rust off of jewelry?

No, bleach is not recommended for removing rust from jewelry. It can damage metals and gemstones, leading to discoloration or corrosion. It's best to use a gentle jewelry cleaner specifically designed for removing rust or tarnish.

How can I find rust removing options for my car?

You can find rust removing options for your car by buying the polish spray in department stores and you can find it at the nearest car dealership. Hope this helped you.

When you wash your wolfgang puck Knives in the dishwasher you get what looks like rust spots. What can you do about this?

The rust spots might be caused by rusting parts inside the dishwasher, such as under the 'wand' piece that rotates at the bottom of the dishwasher. Consult your manufacturer's Operating Manual FIRST then a hardware store manager for suggestions; different products can reduce rust---but not remove it completely. The part(s) will likely need replaced for the rust spots to stop on your knives.

If my pool has rust damage is it covered?

Doubtful. Most homeowners policies do not cover rust, mold, deterioration etc. over a period of time.