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Usually when someone in school calls you names it is because they are insecure about themselves. By putting someone else down, they feel that they have built themselves up. Show you are the one that is secure, the one that is strong. Give a short laugh and say that is funny. Now take control of the conversation by talking about something that everyone is interested in. The next time they say the same thing, give them a blank look perhaps and a quick "heard it" and ignore them. They will only continue it they get feedback from you or the crowd. Ok, if you really want to meet them at their level with a "comeback", try something like this. The condescending look (practice in the mirror) then a very dry, slightly drawn out "yea", then turn to the rest of the group and politely say, "So, does anyone have something intelligent to say, perhaps something of interest?". There may be a moment of silence, so take the stage and start in with something that is of interest to the group. Best of luck, 13 is only one year of your life. Be thankful that college is nothing like high school.

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Q: People call me horseface at school I dont understand why can anyone help me with good comebacks and insults to this sort of thing please I really need help with it Im only 13 by the way x?
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