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Burns quick, burns out quick, lot of creosote. Clean your chimney OFTEN.

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Q: Is it safe to burn hemlock in a wood stove?
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Can you use your wood burning stove if your only source heat is from Propane?

No, a wood burning stove requires wood as its fuel source, not propane. It is not safe to burn wood in a stove designed for propane only. It is important to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate fuel for your stove.

Is it safe to burn cedar in wood stove?

I have a wood stove and have burned cedar in it for years, it is completely safe. Recently alot of cedar trees have died on my property so I have had an abundance of the wood. It burns alot faster than oak so i mix the two for a longer lasting fire. Enjoy

Is it safe to burn cedar in a wood stove?

I have a wood stove and have burned cedar in it for years, it is completely safe. Recently alot of cedar trees have died on my property so I have had an abundance of the wood. It burns alot faster than oak so i mix the two for a longer lasting fire. Enjoy

Is it safe to burn sassafras wood in the fireplace?

It is not recommended to burn sassafras wood in a fireplace or stove, as it can release harmful chemicals when burned. These chemicals can be harmful to both human health and the environment. It is best to choose a different type of wood for burning in your fireplace.

Can you burn wood from a Catalpa tree in a wood stove?

Yes, you can burn wood from a Catalpa tree in a wood stove. However, Catalpa wood is less dense and may burn faster compared to other hardwoods. It may produce less heat and could lead to more frequent refueling of the stove.

Is it absolutely safe to plug up the holes around the door of your wood-burning stove with aluminum foil?

no because aluminum foil will burn

Is it safe to burn oleander wood in a fireplace?

No, it is not safe to burn. It is toxic.

Is hemlock a hard wood?

yes hemlock wood is a sofftwood

Is cherry wood safe to burn?

yes, any fruit wood is safe.

Is linden good for burning in wood stove?

Not the best wood. Rapid burn, rapid burn out, very high creosote production- if used other than as kindling, be sure to clean your chimney OFTEN.

Can someone explain what a wood pellet stove is I've never heard of it before.?

A wood pellet stove is simply a wood stove. However it's specialized to burn wood pellets which are made from compressed sawdust and are more convenient than firewood.