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There is a 100% true saying in the bus driver profession.

95% of bus drivers will loose their job in reverse.

If you think about it:

You can't see very well when Backing

Pedestrians and other cars are flat out stupid as they think that when they have the "Right of Way" you won't run over them.

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Q: Is backing the most dangerous maneuver in driving?
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Is true that Passing an inherently safe maneuver?

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What maneuver is inherently the most dangerous?

Backing is one of them, but according to other studies done by the NHTB and the insurance industry, the left hand turn across on coming lanes of traffic has a higher incidence of loss.

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Name of the guitarist in Michael Jackson's last rehersals?

♫ He's had many.The most known is: Jennifer Batten, whom served as a backing guitarist on his Bad, Dangerous and Historytours. And Orianthi, whom was going to be a backing gutarist on his This Is It tour, until his untimely death.