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Girls have the ability to wear their bracelets on whatever hand they choose to, there is no rule or law that girls have to wear their bracelets on one hand- that would be just ridiculous! The most common hand, though, to wear bracelets on is the right hand- because most people are right-handed.

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Q: In what hand do girls have to wear their bracelets?
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Why do girls wear a lot of bracelets?

For Style :))

Do Romanian girls wear bracelets?

Yes, of course.

Why do Girls wear black Bracelets?

I am not sure why some girls wears black bracelets. It could be because they like the color black.

Why boys wear watch on their left hand and why girls on their right hand?

The tradition of wearing watches on the left wrist for men and right wrist for women dates back to when pocket watches were worn on chains attached to clothing. Men, who typically carried items in their left hand, wore the watch on their left wrist for easy access. Women, on the other hand, wore watches on their right wrist to maintain the elegance of their dominant hand.

Do girls wear bracelets when they go swiming?

Well, I wear mine when swimming but I'm no longer a girl!

Do greaser girls wear jewelry?

chunky necklace, lots of bracelets, dark sunglasses

Are you gay if u wear a bracelet on your left hand?

Wearing bracelets is not an indication of being gay, regardless of where you wear them!

Did the beatles wear bracelets?

Yes, Paul wore a silver chain on his left hand

Why do girls wear ankle bracelets?

because it makes them look pretty so they think they should were them

Is it okay for boys to make loom bracelets?

Yes! Any gender can wear them as long as its not pink or anything!

Are shamballa bracelets for guys or girls?

Shamballa bracelets are unisex bracelets

How do emo girls like to dress?

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