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Q: If A train travels at a constant rate of speed how long does it takes to get to the 15th poles it takes 10 mins from the first pole to the tenth poles poles are equal distance to each other?
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What is the distance that the object travels in the first 5 seconds?

To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

Ashley rode at a constant speed for the first 4 minutes of her trip What is her constant speed?

To find Ashley's constant speed, you would need to know the distance she traveled during the first 4 minutes of her trip. You can then divide this distance by 4 minutes to calculate her speed. Without the distance traveled, her constant speed cannot be determined.

How was meter first defined?

the meter is defined as distance that travels 1/299792458

Why is F=G M1 M2 /d^2?

F is force and it is equal to the gravitational constant times the mass of the first object times the mass of the second object divided by the distance between the two squared.

What laws of motion is this An object travels at a constant velocity unless it is acted upon by an outside force?

Newton's First Law of motion

A man travels 10kmph first one third of distance 20kmph second one third and 60kmph third one third of distance find average distance?

It is not possible to compute the average distance from the information given. Average speed, yes; average distance, no.

Explosion-do you see it first and then hear it?

You FIRST see it, then you HEAR it. The time delay depends on your distance from the source of the explosion. The explanation, light travels faster than sound.

8 boys stand in a row at equal distance apartthe distance between the first boy and the last boy is 112m 56cm What is the distance between first boy and the third?

3216 cm or 32.16 meters

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound.?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound?

Light travels much faster than sound. When a cannon fires, the light travels to your eyes almost instantly, allowing you to see the flash before the sound waves reach your ears. This creates a delay between what you see and what you hear.

How is the velocity-time graph related to the distance traveled?

The distance traveled can be calculated by finding the area under the velocity-time graph. The slope of the graph at any point represents the acceleration of the object. The steeper the slope, the greater the acceleration.

What is uniform speed?

If an object covers equal distance in equal intervals of time, we can say that the object is moving with a uniform speed. E.g. consider an object moving along straight line. Let it travel 5 m in the first second, 5 m more in the next second, 5 m in the third second and 5 m in the fourth second. In this case, the object covers equal distance in equal intervals of time so we can say that the object is moving with a uniform speed.