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That their magnitudes are the same but their directions are opposite.

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Q: If A B equals 0 what can you say about the components of the two vectors?
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If A plus B equals 0 what can you say about the components of the two vectors?

The component vector sum is zero and the all components cancel out.:)

Is A plus B equals 0 what can you say about the components of the two vectors?

All Components cancel The Component vector sum is zero Example: x-components A<------------------->B = zero same for y-components

How are vectors combined?

Vectors are combined by adding or subtracting their corresponding components. For two-dimensional vectors, you add/subtract the x-components together and the y-components together to get the resulting vector. For three-dimensional vectors, you perform the same process with the addition of the z-components.

How do you add two vectors that aren't parallel or perpendicular?

To add two vectors that aren't parallel or perpindicular you resolve both of the planes displacement vectors into "x' and "y" components and then add the components together. (parallelogram technique graphically)AnswerResolve both of the planes displacement vectors into x and y components and then add the components

A B 0 what can you say about the components of the two vectors?

The vectors A and B seem to be two-dimensional with components in the x and y directions. The components of vector A are A_x and A_y, while the components of vector B are B_x and B_y. The 0 value suggests that one or both of the vectors have a component equal to zero.

Is it possible to add any 2 vectors?

Yes, it is possible to add any two vectors as long as they have the same number of dimensions. The result of adding two vectors is a new vector whose components are the sum of the corresponding components of the original vectors.

How do you get the resultant of two or more vectors?

You can add the vectors graphically - join them head-to-tail. Or you can solve them algebraically: you can separate them into components, and add the components.

If A plus B equals 0 than what can you say about the components of the two vectors?

The components of these vectors will be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This can be proved as follows.If A+B=0 then A=-BOr Axi+Ayj+Azk=-(Bxi+Byj+Bzk)Comparing the co-efficients of i, j, kAx=-Bx Ay=-By Az=-BzThis shows that components of A and B are equal in magnitude to each other but are opposite in direction.

How would you add two vectors that are not perpendicular or parallel?

To add two vectors that aren't parallel or perpindicular you resolve both of the planes displacement vectors into "x' and "y" components and then add the components together. (parallelogram technique graphically)

When are two vectors identical?

Two vectors are identical when all their components are identical. An alternative definition, for vectors used in physics, is that they are identical when both the magnitude and the direction are identical.

What does the addition of 2 vectors give you?

Adding two vectors results in a new vector that represents the combination of the two original vectors. The new vector is defined by finding the sum of the corresponding components of the two vectors.

What is the objectives of Resolution of Vectors?

One common reason why you need to do this is to add vectors. If you have two different vectors, and want to add them - algebraically, of course - then you first need to separate them into components. After you do that, you can easily add the components together.