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Q: How was textiles cards made?
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Related questions

What are different materials that made textiles?

what are some different materials that produced textiles

Who replaced the hand made Indian cloth?

Machine-made textiles from Britain and other European countries replaced hand-made Indian cloth during the Industrial Revolution. These machine-made textiles were cheaper and faster to produce, leading to a decline in demand for Indian hand-woven fabrics.

Are paper towels considered textiles?

No, paper towels are not considered textiles. Textiles are materials made from interlacing fibers, while paper towels are made from pulp fibers that are processed and compressed into thin sheets of paper.

What does product mean in textiles?

something made of cotton

What is overrun?

Clothing made from overrun textiles. Overrun textiles are textiles that are ordered but not used by the initial orderer. If a secondary user doesn't turn it into overrun fashion, then it typically gets dumped in a landfill.

What happens to the clothes when they are made?

They are put in the textiles recycling bin.

Can textiles manufactured in Romania be marked made in eu?


Which country do Suzani textiles come from?

Suzani textiles originally come from Persian. They are made in Central Asian countries. It was made around the 18th and 19th centuries by surviving Suzani people.

What elements is a basketball made of?

The basket ball is made from leather, plastics, rubber, textiles.

What is overrun fashion?

Clothing made from overrun textiles. Overrun textiles are textiles that are ordered but not used by the initial orderer. If a secondary user doesn't turn it into overrun fashion, then it typically gets dumped in a landfill.

Which sentence describes Inca textiles?

Colors and patterns on them identified where people lived.

How can textiles products be made more environmentally friendly?

by not making them in factors