the game start at the bignnenig and go to how to change cj into goku
just a mod. PLEASE PASS THE WORD! You don't know how many people ask this question or how to turn into Goku! PLEASE help dear old waffle out from answering repetitive questions, thanks
No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.
after goku summon shenron
goku turns into super saiyen after freeiza full power killed krillen. goku needs to get angry to turn into super saiyen
Actually goku gt is goku an old enemy turn him to a kid again but if I think goku gt would win because goku can turn only to super sayain 1,2,and 3 goku gt can turn into super sayain 1,2,3,and 4 but goku could go fusion but gogtea would be beaten by super sayain 4 gogtea
cj white
Majin Goku
easy when you are ssj goku when your transform bar is full press the left bumper when your ssj goku then you will turn into ssj2 goku.
goku because he can turn super saiyan and he could destroy him woth kamehameha