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You cannot "measure" initiative because it is a characteristic or quality of behaviour with no numerical basis. You can assess an individual's initiative by, for example, qualitatively gauging the efficiency and success of that person in solving a problem by it.

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Q: How to measure initiative?
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What allows voters to approve or disapprove proposed laws or constitutional amendments?

referendum is the term that applies to the voting for or against some measure.The measure itself is called a referendum.initiative is the power that permits voters to petition for a referendum to be held. Initiative and referendum thus go to together and are usually thought of as one power that an electorate may hold.

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Give us an example of when you have implemented a HR initiative to achieve a long term objective The problems you faced and how you overcame them?

Implementing a HR initiative to achieve a long term objective requires that you affect employees in the long term. You want to make sure that you address the issue at hand and measure the outcome, so that you will know that your initiative was successful.

What si the meaning of initiative?

Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary., An introductory step or movement; an act which originates or begins., The right or power to introduce a new measure or course of action, as in legislation; as, the initiative in respect to revenue bills is in the House of Representatives.

What is meaning of inititive?

The verb initiate (to establish or start) is related to the noun initiative. For example, "Our company is going to initiate a new health maintenance program."There is also the expression to take the initiative, which means to be proactive. For example, "Jason took the initiative in contacting all the dissatisfied customers."

What is the Tagalog word for Initiative?

Tagalog word for Initiative: pagkukusa

An expample of initiative is?

The definition of initiative is to take a step to do something or an action. An example would be to take the initiative in settling an issue, or to take the initiative in making friends.

What is the Latin translation for the word initiative in Latin?

The translation would be, ausus - daring, initiative or orsus - undertaking, initiative

Is 'very initiative' correct phrase?

No, the correct phrase is "very initiative" is not correct. The correct phrase would be "very proactive" or "very initiative-driven."

When was Win-initiative created?

Win-initiative was created in 2007.