you can check the serial number on the singer website but according to the one you gave it was made in 1910
I received a brand new Singer Stylist 533 sewing machine when I graduated high school in 1979.
Now, in 2009, your 1904 Singer sewing machine would be 105 years old.
If the machine is a Singer, serial numbers and "birthdates" can be found on the Singer website Assuming your machine is a Singer, it was manufactured in 1927.
It is I'm sure, I have a cabinet for the machine but no machine.
Your sewing machine was made in 1924 in Elizabeth, New Jersey I do not know the value of the machine, but I can tell you it depends on the condition of the machine, the condition of the cabinet, and the buyer. A collector might pay top dollar, but most collectors want old, old machines.
its around $30-50 dollars depending on your model
The Illinois Sewing Machine Co was founded in 1895.
I have a new royal sewing machine made by the chicago sewing machine co. the serial no.. is384985
The company that originally made the belt for the treadle sewing machine can provide a new belt. Look for the name of the manufacturer on your treadle machine, and if that company is no longer in business, inquire of the Singer company that may be able to provide a similar belt.