

Best Answer

well if you know how to do it yourself then its free

however if you want to get it done perfesonally, then it all depends on how does it for you

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What is name for calligraphers stroke?

Short hand

Who produced Chinese calligraphy?

Chinese calligraphers

Is calligraphers common noun?

Yes, the noun 'calligraphers' is a common noun, the plural form of the singular noun 'calligrapher', a general word for a person skilled in penmanship.

What are the three perfections in china?

They are the gathering of poets, calligraphers, and painters

Do Japanese do calligraphy as well as Chinese?

Calligraphers do calligraphy as well as their ability allows. So yes, some Japanese calligraphers can do it even more beautifully than some Chinese ones, and vice-versa.

What are calligraphers?

Calligraphic lines are lines that vary in size and intensity throughout the course of the line.

Who decorated letters of the English alphabet?

Calligraphers and artists decorated letters. They still do today.

What has the author Ch'en Chih-Mai written?

Ch'en Chih-Mai. has written: 'Chinese calligraphers and their art'

What has the author Marie Lynskey written?

Marie Lynskey has written: 'Illumination for Calligraphers' 'Calligraphy (A Beginners Art Guide)'

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who much fee will be charge for an nstp component

What is a convention Islamic artists used to create tughras?

Calligraphers created lines that interlace and illuminators added complex arabesques.

What is a convention Islamic artists used create tughras?

Calligraphers created lines that interlace and illuminators added complex arabesques.