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2 pounds

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13y ago
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15y ago

In order to make your bridge hold 100 lbs., just 1) take a popsicle stick (2) break it in half or near half (3) glue it to the top portion of your bridge {so if it is a Truss design, glue it the compression sticks] and (4) you're all set.

yeah buddy!!!

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7y ago

Depends on the design of the bridge, and how the sticks are joined. In theory I could build a bridge of popsicle sticks that would support several tons of weight- but it would take a LOT of popsicle sticks.

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11y ago

I heard of some of them holding up to 800 pounds! I know that sounds like alot but its true :)

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12y ago

a bridge made of 30 popsicle sticks can hold 1 pound

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7y ago

No one answer. Depends on how wide, how long, and how the sticks are joined. A short bridge that is one stick long could support several thousand pounds.

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12y ago

To find out multiply bullhead by 6

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Mac Grant

Lvl 2
2y ago

awnser now

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Lvl 1
3y ago

900 pounds

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Q: How much weight can 1 popsicle stick hold?
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How much weight can a Popsicle hold?

A standard wooden Popsicle stick can typically hold around 0.5-1 ounce of weight before breaking. Exceeding this weight can cause the stick to snap.

How much weight can a popsicle stick suspension bridge?

20 pounds

How do you test a popsicle stick bridge?

You want to find out how much weight your posicle bridge can hold before collpsing. So finding the weight of the bags of weights is very important to test your bridge. Then you will find out how much weight your posicle bridge can hold. ~be happy, life is good:)~

How much does a jumbo popsicle stick weigh?

A jumbo popsicle stick typically weighs around 2-3 grams.

How much water does a popsicle stick absorb?

A popsicle stick can absorb a small amount of water, usually no more than a few drops. The level of absorption depends on the type of wood and the conditions in which it is exposed to water.

How much do popsicle?

50 dollars for a popsicle

How much should you weigh for a jr hockey stick?

Weight is fairly irrelevant when comes to choosing a stick. If you have to ask what size to use, you are obviously new to the sport and you should be looking for a stick that comes to your waist when you hold it vertically on the ground.

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A glue stick typically weighs in grams. The weight of a standard glue stick is around 15-25 grams.

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