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they usaully have 80 to 90 pages

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Q: How many pages does a to z mysteries book have?
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Related questions

How many pages is The Missing Mummy book int he A to Z mysteries?

The Missing Mummy by Ron Roy is 96 pages.

How many pages are in the a-z mysteries books?

they are very short books about 100 pages long

What are the book by Ron Roy?

The Book by Ron Roy is A-Z mysteries and Capital Series. They are for second graders to fourth graders with about 80 to 90 pages.

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What is the best a to z mysteries book?

everyone has their own opinion :)

When was A to Z Mysteries created?

A to Z Mysteries was created in 1997.

Who Writes A to Z mysteries?

Ron Roy writes the A to Z Mysteries

Who is the author of the a-z mysteries?

Ron Roy wrote the A to Z Mysteries.

What is a to z mysteries letter A?

The first A to Z Mysteries is The Absent Author.

What is the author of a to z mysteries?

The author of the A to Z Mysteries is Ron Roy.

How many pages does World War Z have?

"World War Z" by Max Brooks has approximately 342 pages in its hardcover edition.

What are the detective names in A-z Mysteries?

The three detectives in the A to Z Mysteries are Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose.