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Wrap text in a calendar
Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003
Microsoft Outlook® 2002
When you print an Outlook Calendar, especially in a week or month view, some text might be truncated. This is because Outlook does not support wrapping the text to additional lines. However, you can make some customizations that allow more text to be displayed and printed.

1. In the Calendar default view, the start and end times are listed for each appointment.
2. You can customize the Calendar so that the end times are not shown, and you can view more of the Subject line text.
3. The clock face feature uses the least amount of space and thus provides the most space for your meeting Subject lines.

Turn off Show end times.
In Calendar, in the week or month view, right-click the calendar grid.
Click Other Settings.
In the Week and Month sections, clear the Show end times check boxes.
Turn on Show times as clocks.
In Calendar, in the week or month view, right-click the calendar grid.
Click Other Settings.
In the Week and Month sections, clear the Show times as clocks check boxes.
Reduce the font size of the text.
In Calendar, in the week or month view, right-click the calendar grid.
Click Other Settings.
In the Day, Week, and Month sections, click Font.
In the Font box, select or type a smaller number or use a compressed font, such as Arial Narrow.

For addin apps that allow word wrapping in Outlook Calendar see:

WinCalendar - Converts your Outlook calendar to native Excel or Word format (with word wrapping :-)


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