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Bonne fête! - Happy holiday/Happy saint's day!

Joyeux (Bon) anniversaire! - Happy birthday!

Bonne fête de Hanoukka! Happy Hanukkah!

Joyeux Noël! - Merry Christmas!

Bonne année! - Happy New Year!

Meilleurs vœux! - Best wishes!

Félicitations! - Congratulations!

Bon voyage! - Have a good (plane/ship) trip!

Bonne route! - Have a good (car) trip!

Bon rétablissement! - Get well soon!

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Q: How do you wish people well in French?
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Inscription on the Abbey at Theleme.

How do you wish someone to have a good time in French?

miss you in french

How do you wish someone happy birthday in french?

Well what you do get your balls and put them in their mouth then you have oral sex with them and slap them across the face with a fish

How do french people say name day?

well french people call name day a saint of one who named

In French what does souhaiter mean?

to wish

Why do french people eat?

Well everybody has to eat, genius!

Why do people say good luck?

to wish them well yes also just like brake a leg but brake a leg means good luck and good luck means wish you well

How can you translate I wish I was with you in french?

You can translate "I wish I was with you" to French as "Je souhaite Γͺtre avec toi."

How do you spell a wish in french?

un souhait