Once you activate the laser sight, basically where the laser is pointed is where the bullet is going to go.
The sights are aligned to point of impact at a specified range and assist in aiming. You can adust the point of impact, by twisting the veiwfinder, then sliding up or down, then twising again.
Look through your iron sights, or plastic sights, or whatever.
There are two types of laser sights for a gun. The first type is a scope which has a laser dot inlaid in the actual lens. This dot is brightened using a batter. The dot does not actually "cast on" to it's target. The second type of laser sight actually does cast on to the target, and will produce a visible dot even outside of scoping. These typically cost more than the scope type sights, and use more batteries. Overall, they are both around the same accuracy.
No and yes. This particular gun doesn't show the whole beam since it has that little plastic circle on top. The laser on the bottom does show the whole beam.
A gun with a laser.
A red dot sight projects an illuminated red dot onto a lens to help aim your firearm, while a laser sight emits a laser beam towards the target for aiming. Red dot sights are more for precision shooting, while laser sights can provide quick target acquisition but are affected by environmental conditions.
You use sights of the gun to align with the target. You will need to ask a more specific question to get a more specific answer.
You can get quality gun sights at a local gun store, or at a website that sells these goods. To find quality gun sights, you should check reviews by other people, or ask people you know for suggestions.
There are 2 ways to easily sight-in a rifle. With a laser bore sighter or by shooting. First you'll want to clean your rifle and tighten any loose screws for your sights (Remember, a dirty gun is an inaccurate gun). If you choose to use a laser, just simply adjust the sights and double check. To sight-in a rifle by shooting, you'll want to rest your rifle on a table to ensure your gun has as little movement as possible while you're shooting and adjusting. It also helps to have very little wind. Just aim for a bullseye, take a few shots (3 or more in case of any wind or bad ammunition) and adjust your sights until they're accurate. Repeat a few times to ensure accuracy. If your own a bore laser, I suggest using both of these methods. First sight-in using the laser, then check by firing. Sighting-in an MoA scope is significantly more difficult.
There are laser sights for almost any handun. Try Crimson Trace.
The list of weapons that start with laser are: Laser axe Laser bow Laser chaingun Laser chainsaw Laser cannon Laser crossbow Laser daggers Laser gatling gun Laser knife Laser machete Laser machine gun Laser rapier Laser rocket launcher Laser scythe Laser shotgun Laser slingshot Laser sword Laser tommy gun Laser whip and countless others