it turn into rubber once youll soak it into the vingar just like an egg
Turn into rubber
it turn into rubber once youll soak it into the vingar just like an egg
the heck i don't know
it will take 1 week for and egg to turen into vingar
first you boil the egg.then you get a glass cup (optional) and fill it with vinegar with a little salt and lay the boiled egg in the vinegar and salt. ( it should turn into rubber in about 2-4 days)This doesn't actually make a rubber egg. It's a pickled egg and it just develops a rubbery texture.
It does not necessarily turn it into rubber, but vinegar does dissolve the shell of the egg leaving the membranes intact, which may seem rubbery but it is simply an egg without a shell.
t is the purpose of a rubber egg
t is the purpose of a rubber egg
Go to your local Sports Authority, head to the Boy Scout section/camping section, find an egg holder, fill with boiling hot rubber, 4-5 hours later in the freezer you have a rubber egg
When eggs are soaked in vinegar, the acidic environment causes the calcium carbonate in the eggshell to dissolve. This leaves behind a more flexible membrane resembling rubber. This process may make the egg bouncy, but it doesn't actually turn into rubber in the chemical sense.