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I have two labrador puppies at 13 weeks. I have to say I've never had dogs before, but with a lot of research and reading of dog books before i got the pups it has been very easy so far. I got the puppies at 8 weeks old. I started immediately with the training eg: going to toilet, siting, lying down and waiting for their food as i put it on the floor.

A lot of people had told me i was crazy getting the two together. I think that it was the best thing i have ever done!

How I've trained my puppies so far.... When they first arrive at my house I let them have a run around so they can get used to the different smells. I would recommend to anyone to get a crate for their dogs. I thought at first, before I read up about them, it was cruel to put a dog in a cage, but it's like a den for them. I have got the crate up stairs. I took them up to the crate and sat with them in the spare room, never let your pups sleep in your room or on your bed, or you will find it really hard in future to get them to stay on their own at night. Remember you can't let them sleep in your room for even one night and then expect them to sleep in another room the next night. They will assume it is still ok for them to sleep in your room. My Pups don't cry when put in their crate as they know that it is where they sleep at night. You have to set the rules straight away otherwise if can be very hard to train then in future because they will feel confused. I always train my puppies at the same time. I believe it is silly to say that you should train them individually, as I think they learn better with each other and it makes it more fun for you and the puppies. Remember to always to be patience with them training takes time.

Also remember whenever they do something you like be very enthusiastic. If you do this they will want to do it again. Like when you take them outside to toilet, always go with them so you can see what they're doing then you can praise them when they go toilet. Never praise them for going toilet when they come inside from going toilet outside or they will think its ok to do it indoors. Then when you tell them off for going toilet inside you will confuse them, and they wont want to go toilet in front of you. This will make it very hard for you to toilet train them so it's very important to do this. If your pups go toilet in the house, but you haven't seen them doing it, do not tell them off they wont understand and then when you want them to do something it will seem very had to get then to do it because they wont know weather they are being good or bad.

It might seem a lot of work and it is but trust me if you love your puppies the way i love mine you will find the whole experience of training them so much fun!! I know its silly saying this but it's true patience is the key. And don't listen to people if they can only say negative things about you having two at the same time. If your a positive person it is the best thing ever!!!

Just to let you know I've been watching the dog whisperer, and before i got the pups i read up on training. You need to do this!!! I don't know where I'd be without it!

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Q: How do you train two puppies at the same time?
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