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She probably doesn't notice you, unless shes flirting then try to get her attention and chat with each other. yet if nothing works the move on she doesn't like you then again she could be playing hard to get which is not very common

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Q: How do you talk to a girl that talks to your friends but not you?
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What if a girl is your friend but never talks to you?

Well first if she is your friends she should talk to you.Try to get a conversation going.

How can you tell if the girl you like secrectly likes you but can't talk to you?

She looks at you a lot. She talks about you to her friends. She smiles at you. She waves at you. That's all I know

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when the girl follows him and when she talks about it with her friends!!

Why may a girl talk badly about a guy if she doesnt know him?

maybe her friends dont like him, and so to feel cool, she talks badly about him too

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It means he trusts you! If he is comfortable to talk to you about that stuff it means he is himself around you. if your not ok with him talking about it then tell him that.

How do you get a guy that you like to talk to you without making the first move?

One way that a girl can get a guy to talk to her without making the first move is to have your friends talk to him. You can also come across his path and see if he talks to you first.

What does it mean when the guy you think has a crush on you talks about to his friends?

how to talk to you or ask you out

A girl i am going out with always talks to me online but when we hang out with her friends she never talks to me just her friends how can i change that?

Start ti try to make conversation with her & also her friends Seems her friends are more important than you. She may also be embarrassed to talk to you in front of them. Find someone who likes you back the same way, on the level.

Do guys talk a lot about the girl he likes to his friends?

The answer is yes but be careful. If the guy talks about a girl a lot, it could either mean he likes her or finds her annoying. The best way is to ask his guy friends if he likes the girl. It would not be on the spot for either person in the siutation.

How do you talk to a girl you like if neither you or she talks much and if she doesnt have many friends?

you grow a pair and get up to her and talk to her lots -Hearts! uhhhhh i think what they ment to say is to just talk to them.Or they really mean to say "grow a pair"

Your girl talks too much what should you do?

If she talks a lot then she is trying to get you interested in her life. If your goal is for her to talk less then just respond to what she is saying and talk more.

Why does this girl only talks to you on facebook?

She is probably too shy to talk to you in person.