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Shading paintings so they look like they have perspective and depth requires a fair amount of theoretical knowledge, and a fair amount of skill also. That's why paintings that look "really real" are so impressive: not everyone can do it.

Basically, we are talking about two areas of knowledge: structural drawing, and chiaroscuro. Structural drawing is the art of drawing outlines that accurately suggest a sense the volume within. Think of it this way: a line-drawing of a Bowling ball is not going to work unless the outline is a more-or-less perfect circle. More complex items, such as coffee pots, automobiles, trees and the human form require that the artist understand how simple shapes, such as circles, triangles and squares can be combined to to provide the outlines of these difficult-to-draw objects. Artists study for years to master this skill.

Chiaroscuro is the art of using light and shadow in a drawing or painting to enhance the sense of volume provided by the outlines in order to create a full-blown illusion of a 3-D object on a 2-D surface such as a piece of paper or a stretched canvas. It is founded on an understanding of the patterns that shadows create on the surface of an object lit by a light source (such as the Sun, or a light-bulb) and the assumption that if these patterns can be reproduced in a drawing or painting, in the way that they appear from a particular vantage-point, and if the artist has the necessary skill in drawing with charcoal or painting in oils, a highly illusionistic image will result. The ability to carefully blend the wet paint before it dries, so that the various shades of color, from the bright highlights to the darkest shadows, meld seamlessly from one to the next, is important to the painting of illusionistic paintings. The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da vinci is often cited as one of the finest examples of this.

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You draw it lightly shade on a side and rub in with your finger. You also have to image where your light source is coming form.

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Q: How do you shade paintings to make them look like they have perspective and depth?
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