Charles Strine died in 1907.
Charles Strine was born in 1867.
Leroy Strine was born in 1915, in Maryland, USA.
To say bye in Latin you say "Vale" when you are saying bye to one person. To say bye to mare then one person you say "Valete"
J. J. Strine has written: 'Personal marriage records of Reverend J.J. Strine, 1815-1870' -- subject(s): Archives, Genealogy, Lutherans, Marriage records, Registers
Bye Bye Everyone
I know that you say bye bye ciao ciao but i dont know how to say lover sry
Aurevoir. A bientôt. But if you say "good bye" or "bye bye" everyone understands you.
just say bye and get it over with!! l8ter
Bye, bye oo!
Most people say, "bye bye".. Otherwise they just say "bye"..
In Chaldean, you can say "ba-kho" to say bye.