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Q: How do you say Cabbage in chilean?
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How do you say Welcome in Chilean?

In Chilean jergon (Spanish) Chileans usually say: Hola Bienvenido aqui! (Hello welcome here)

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Can you change the proper noun Chile to a proper adjective?

Yes, you would say "Chilean."

How do you say good in Chilean?

Buenos Dias.

How do you say my name is in Chilean?

The predominate language in Chile is Spanish. You would say "Me llamo_____"

How do you say 'hello' in Chilean?

most people in Chile speak espanol so they would say ~HOLA~

What did the cabbage preacher say to his church?

lettuce pray

What does it mean when someone says they are Chilean?

Chileans are the native people, or long term immigrants of Chile. To say that you are a Chilean would mean that you are native to Chile. Approximately 857,781 Chileans live outside their native country, so it would not be particularly uncommon to meet somebody who says that they are Chilean.

What is a Chilean kiss?

If this is pertaining to what Robert Pattinson said, I figured out that he was just joking. He said "Chilean kiss" to be funny, as in French and Chilean. There's actually no such thing as a "Chilean kiss".

How do you say German Red Cabbage in German?

Deutsch Rotkohl.

How do you say hello in Chilean Spanish?

For the most part, Spanish is spoken in Chile, so it would be "hola".

Does Sportacus from Lazy Town eat cabbage?

usaly its apples but he does say eat healthy and cabbage is healthy veggie so i think he does