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Q: How do you remove scratches from cellulose lacquer?
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How do you remove nitrocellulose lacquer?

Lacquer thinner will possibly remove it, chemical stripper will definitely remove it.

How do you remove scratches from plastic?

Scratches can rarely be removed fro plastic. The only way to remove scratches from plastic is to melt the abrasions.

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To remove visible scratches from a diamond, a diamond cutter can either re-cut the stone, or polish out the scratches if they are not deep.

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Lacquer thinner will remove it from most materials.

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Lacquer thinner.

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How do you remove scratches from tin?

You can't .

What is the best way to remove scratches on hardwood floors?

the best ways to remove scratches from a hardwood floors are either you sand it or have someone do it for you

How do clean a game that has scratches on it?

You can give it into GAME and they can remove the dents and scratches for $10-$20!

How do they remove scratches off the car?

They remove scratches off a car by first trying to buff them out. If that does not work, the scratches are sanded, they are then filled with filler, and sanded again. Next a primer is put over the scratches, and then paint to match the rest of the car.

How do you remove lacquer from a stone floor?

To remove lacquer from a stone floor, you can use a lacquer thinner or solvent following the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the solution to the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub the floor with a brush or scrubbing pad. Once the lacquer has softened, wipe it away with a clean cloth and rinse the area with water.