1999 ford explorer 4.0 manual transmission gear shifter wont fit on shaft
remove water pump on saxo 1.4
Remove drive shaft holder clamps round by the gear box undo off hum get wishbone down and pull drive shaft out
its iether the fuse // or broken cable //or the gear link on the top back of the gearbox near the gear linkage
The oil is cold in the morning
god no. it may fit but it would shatter soon after
it could be due to the steper motor but i suggest you take it to mechanic because no saxo has ever had a carburetor
saxo is good, saxo is reliable..
remove rear seat, fit roll cage, attach to that.
You can not, the hub is part of the suspension strut itself.
sledge hammer and a good towing yoke to tow it off
depends on which MG and which SAXO???