You have to remove the transmission to do this.
It is between the engine and the transmission. You have to remove the transmission to replace it.
stx 38 fly wheel
You will either have to remove the transmission and fly-wheel to remove them or you can pull the engine out and then remove them.
Remove transmission
i just want to know how to remove the flywheel on a 1007 Grand AM Pontiac
Fly-wheel may be cracked or the converter bolts are loose. Need to remove the fly-wheel dust cover, so you can see up inside.
Make a plate 150mm x 150mm x 10mm with three holes drilled in it then bolt it to the fly wheel using M10x 30mm bolts but make sure you space the plate from the fly wheel to clear the fly wheel bolt and weld a chain over the center of the fly wheel bolt on to the plate and it will lift the motor dead center.
On the back between the engine and transmission. You'll have to remove the transmission to see it.
If it has a pull string then it has a fly wheel. But the blade itself is not the fly wheel. The fly wheel is inside the upper chassi where the motor is.
You will need to remove the transfur case first and then remove the transmission Then just take the bolts out of the fly-wheel on the back of the engine and replace it with the new fly-wheel and then put everything back together. This is a major job if your not a mechanic. You may want to take it to a shop.
support rear of engine. remove drive shaft. remove transmission. remove cluth. remove fly wheel. reinstall is exact opposite of removal