The leather strap is held to the watch case by a metal shaft with a pin at each end. The pins fit into holes in the case. If you look closely at the side of the case you will usually see a tiny hole. You can push the pin through this hole to compress it, and the shaft will pop out. One warning -- once the pin is out of the case, it's easy to lose. I suggest working over a tray or a large sheet of paper. If you bought a new strap, the salesperson will usually change the strap for you. You can also take it to a jeweler.
Yes, you can. The strap's width needs to be the same as the width of the prongs on the watch, so take the timepiece with you when you go to the store.
Replacement leather watch straps can be found at department stores such as Nordstrom's and Macy's. More leather watch band options can be found on websites such as All Watch Bands, Amazon, and eBay.
How do I find value of Wrangler Hero watch #721 SR626SW Leather strap gold face
Of course, you can find Gucci shoes with a leather strap.
No, leather is a mixture.
The homonym for "leather strap" is "rein." The homonym for "royal power" is "reign."
i was told it is around 50000 INR.
A Strap watch is good because if u wear metal ones they might not fit u!!
yes some one did
Spainsh for belt or leather strap