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A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 120 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the masters and doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

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You must apply to a college or university that offers a bachelor's degree in your chosen field. A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 120 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the masters and doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

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Ba bachelors degree

Is BA or BS degree still referred to as an undergraduate degree?

Yes. Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts are types of Bachelor degrees you can receive in an undergraduate program.

Which is higher a ba degree or a ma degree?

A MA degree is higher than a BA degree. A BA degree only requires 4 years of college. A MA degree requires 6 years at college.

What was ba?

A "BA" is a Bachelor of Arts degree.

What was the ba?

A "BA" is a Bachelor of Arts degree.

In college what is BA and BS?

In college a BA is a bachelors degree of arts. A BS is a bachelors degree in science. Most students get a BA.

Meaning of ba?

Bachelor of Arts Degree - BA

Do you need a AAA before a ba?

No. A BA is a 4-year degree with no previous degree required.

What degree do you get in the Musicians Institute?

Actually you CAN get a certificate, BUT you can also obatain a AA Degree and a BA Degree. I graduated with from the 4 year Bachelors program with my BA degree.

Does BA degree refer to university degree?

Yes, a BA degree refers to a university degree. "BA" stands for Bachelor of Arts, and it is an undergraduate degree typically awarded by universities or colleges. LPU, or Lovely Professional University, is a private university in India that offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. The BA degree at LPU is designed to provide students with a comprehensive educational experience, with options to pursue internships, participate in extracurricular activities, and engage in practical projects.

What degree has the initials BA?

It would be a "bachelor of arts" (BA) degree from which many specific programs of study fall.

If you receive your AA and go to a university what classes will you have to take for a BA?

The bachelor of arts degree (BA) is a general degree type from which many specific programs of study fall. The requirements will be particular to which major within the degree type you choose, which should be based on your overall career goals and objectives. Once you choose a career, then you can take the appropriate degree type and major that will lead to your career goal.