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Washing regularly is pretty much the only solution. If it's really bad, go see a doctor, there might be another problem or he could suggest something else to get rid of the smell, but it'll always smell a little, every penis smells a little after a long day of being trapped in tight pants or going without a shower. Urine and sweat are the causes of this smell.

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Q: How do you prevent odor on the penis?
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Related questions

How can you take the bad odor of your penis?

wash up or see a doctor

Is it normal if your penis had an odd odor?

It may just need more thorough washing and drying. But bad odor is one indication of infection, too.

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How can I prevent my pee bottle from developing a foul odor?

To prevent your pee bottle from developing a foul odor, make sure to empty and clean it regularly with soap and water. Additionally, consider using a bottle specifically designed for urine collection, as these are often made with materials that resist odor buildup.

Does your underwear absorb odor from your anus?

Underwear made of certain materials, like cotton, can absorb some odor but it is limited. The best way to prevent odor is to practice good hygiene by washing regularly.

Do skinny jeans prevent penis growth?

That's not true

How do you prevent body odor when taking medicine?

Soaking in a bath of tomato juice does the trick.

How do you spell deoradent?

The correct spelling is deodorant (cosmetic to prevent body odor and/or sweat).

How do you control body odor?

There are a number of ways to prevent body odor. These ways are like: 1)Shower once or twice a day, especially after practice. 2)Use deodorant daily to prevent sweat after odor 3)Take a lot of water for effective respiration. 4)Do not repeat clothes and wash clothes after you have already worn them.

Are open toe running shoes better for people with smelly feet?

Open toe shoes can very well prevent foot odor; There several alternatives to prevent foot odor, but in some cases medical attention is needed.Sometimes it is the shoes themselves that are already holding the odor, so be sure to keep your shoes and your feet clean.

How prevent chicken coop bad odor?

Keep it clean and dry and dust it periodically with lime.

A reproduction of blood flow to a males penis may prevent him from?

a "reduction" of blood flow may prevent him getting an erection