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A person starts with a phrase or sentence and whispers it to the person next to them. That person then whispers it to the next person, and so on, until it reaches back to the original person that came up with the sentence. By the time it reaches the original person, the sentence will be phrased differently.

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Q: How do you play telephone?
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How do you play back a telephone call?

Star 69 it to play back recent telephone calls.

What role do commercial telephone systems play?

The commercial telephone systems play a vital role in different types of communication. People who are engaged in business for example rely largely on the use of telephone system to manage their businesses.

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I suggest you search it up on google.

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Can play games

What is the average telephone bill?

the avrage bill will be depend on the company and what play do you have on your phone

What equipment do you need to play playstation2 online?

A telephone to connect to and a game for the internet.

What instrument does lady gaga play in telephone?

the first bit is a harp :) x

How to play the crazy frog song on the telephone keypad?

No, its impossible to play it on your recorder plus its never works for my brother.

Where can someone buy a pink telephone?

One can purchase a pink telephone from websites such as eBay, Play and Amazon. One may also find a pink telephone on the craft website Etsy which has products from around the World.

What music video does a rock band play into telephones?

it was the Elvis song telephone band

How do you play the game Telephone?

You tell one person something(whispering). and that person whispers it to the next person.