the number 3600 can be named asthree thousand six hundred orthirty-six hundred
your mom -__-
the time and the name
1729 is the smallest natural number that can be expressed as a sum of two cubes of positive number in two different ways: 1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103 It is known as the Ramanujan-Hardy number. But is also known as a Taxicab number which are numbers that can be expressed as sums ot 2 cubes in 2, 3, 4, etc different ways.
The name is spelt two different ways, Demetri or Dimitri.
90x106 9E+7
- different atomic mass - different number of neutrons - different nuclear properties - etc.
seventy eight thousand 78,000
1+1 1*2
ramanujam expressed the number 1729 in sum of cubes of two positive numbers in two different ways.