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What kind? Here is how I made a small cardboard Cessna: What you need: cardboard(Works best with regular cereal box type and regular box cardboard doesn't work that good.), Tape or glue, scissors, and a mind set on making an airplane!

Instructions: cut the cardboard in half, and use one half and fold it in half. then, fold each half of the folded half to the fold. then unfold it and make so it is like a square cylinder, and then play with it and make the back smaller than the front(doesn't matter what the front or back is.). then, cut out the wings out of the other half. save some of that half for some other additions(if you have some other cardboard, you don't have to save any of it.). then, tape or glue it to the front, but leaving some space for the engine etc. then, make vertical and horizontal stabilizers(aka back wings and tail fin). then, cut out a sloped place(for the Cockpit window.). then, cut out a piece of cardboard(If you have clear glass for this, great!)for the cockpit "window" and tape it on. then, make a propeller(just a small rectangle out of cardboard if you want, and that's what I did!) and tape or glue it on the front. You're done!(Optional: make some landing gear by cutting out some small cardboard or balsa rectangles(About the size of the propeller)and then cut out some circles, and tape them on however you like!) Glad to help you!

whatt yu do0 iis yu lo0k iit up 0n dha c0mput3r and fiind iit uot iight do0 dhat an yu will find iit

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13y ago
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11y ago

The cardboard would be best used as the form to put the paper mache over.

Cardboard itself (instead of using newspaper) is too heavy, unless you can strip off the layers and soak it in water, grind it up and then use it. Make your mush, squeeze out the excess water, mix it with flour, water, drywall putty and salt to make a paper mache clay.

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15y ago

For a draft ya A real book needs printers, ink, straight paper cutters and ect.

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14y ago

First you cut the cardboard into plane-part shaped pieces such as wings, body of the plane, tail rudder and landing gear......then you put them together......any more brain busting questions?

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13y ago

Tape is the easiest thing to use. Prferable claear tape so its not noticeable. Your welcome! :D

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10y ago

You can't.

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