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you shud ice it and treat it with aloe vera gell to dry it out and put neosporin on the cold sore scab. i get a lot of cold sores and this helps me the best. i also apply camphenic on it that helps to.

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10y ago

One way I use is the Toothpaste Method.

All you do is first wash your hand so you do not pass on any bacteria to the cold sore therefore making it worse.

Next get a small blob of toothpaste and get a sprinkle of salt and put it into a bowl. Stir the mixture, crushing the salt and then use a finger or other clean utensil to spread the mixture of toothpaste and salt over the infected area.

I recommend leaving this mixture on overnight so that people don't see you with it, and also so you are not tempted to touch it. In the morning if you do decide to use it overnight the toothpaste should have gone hard. Gently rinse it off and the cold sore should have or should have began to crust up and get a scab. Cold sores on average take 8 to 15 days to go away completely. This cure will or should speed up the process by at least 2-4 days.

Also as this is a home remedy you shouldn't have to go and splash out of £5/$5 cures in high street pharmacies for an over the counter cure.

This has been used in my family to treat cold sores for a very long time and we are very pleased with it.

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12y ago

Catching them early is the best way to go. As soon as you see the beginning of a cold sore you should apply a cold sore medication such as Abreva on several times a day. Applying this medication before you have a full cold sore will prevent it from being as bad or staying as long.

A "cold sore" is what earlier physicans called a canker...phonetically. A "cold sore" is a herpes viral infection and it can be treated to control re-appearances. Keep Acyclovir in your home medicine cabinets at all times. Acyclovir is swallowed, as a capsule, when a "cold sore" appears on one's mouth. It is also available as a gel or lotion, to place directly on the sore, with a clean finger, in a plastic glove. Herpes is very contagious.

Oral herpes, (cold sores) can appear on the genitals, if genitals touch the mouth. There are two different kinds of herpes, and herpes is FOREVER. Once you have it in your body, it is there to stay. The sores can and do re-appear when the human who carries them is under stress, in the sunlight (yes, this can trigger them) during menstrual periods, etc. NEVER allow anyone, or anything, to touch your own herpes outbursts when they are active. Although it is rare, another humanS CAN and do get herpes FROM you, even if you have no active sores on your body. So, stay clean, get a prescription, use it, and do not share eating untensils, lipsticks, glosses, medicines that are used orally, DO NOT KISS, do not have sexual contact, if the sore appears anywhere else on your body. Both sexes can and do spread it.

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13y ago

Use carmex or coco butter it really helps.

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13y ago

i know this sounds weird but take an Advil liquid gel and cut it open be care full its kinda hard! then just apply the liquid on your could sore all day. also ice it.

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Q: How do you make cold sores go away?
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What tea will make cold sores go away?

If you have a cold sore, you should probably go get it checked out instead of using tea to get rid of it. Go to Rite-Aid or Wal-Mart to get cold sore medication.

How long do it take for a cold sore to go away?

A cold sore can last up to 2 weeks. If you treat them when they are just erupting, you may reduce their severity and duration. Although cold sores are caused by viruses, using topical antiseptics may reduce the incidence of other, secondary infections in the open skin.

What is the typical treatment for cold sores?

Typically a cold sore will go away on its own. The only real treatment is to apply a cold compress to it or take Tylenol if painful. Otherwise a doctor can prescribe a cream specifically targeted for the Herpes virus that causes cold sores.

Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.

How do you get cold sores to go away?

Cold sores and fever blisters tend to develop when an individual has a cold or fever, but they also can be triggered by sun exposure, emotional distress, intestinal illness and menstruation. Eliminating all of the sources that can contribute to the onset of cold sores and fever blisters is impossible, but sufferers can condition their lips with products such as Blistex DCT (Daily Conditioning Treatment for Lips) with vitamins A and E and SPF 20 to reduce the sun's impact and limit cracking that can lead to vulnerable lips.

How long does it take lysine to work?

Cold sores generally go away in seven to ten days. It's not clear whether lysine will change that time.

What helps get rid of cold sores?

You know how cold air feels really good on cold sores? Yeah, that's why ice-cubes help. If you want to get rid of a cold soar including the pain, you've got to remember NOT (super emphasis on the NOT) lick your lips where you have a cold soar! And of course (whichever way you choose) get oxygen to your poor lips and use that loveable ice-cube.

How do you make a stomachache go away?

use a cold tole on your head

Can sensodyne tooth paste help get rid of cold sores?

Tooth paste doesn't really do any thing for cold sores, it doesn't have any antiviral properties which helps heal cold sores. The tooth paste may help sooth the symptoms, but it may take a while for the cold sore to go away. The best way to clear up a cold sore is to use Abreva or over the counter cold sore cream.

How do you know if you have a canker sore?

You have little blisters inside your mouth that are painful and may make eating difficult. They will naturally go away within 4-14 days. They do not form outside your mouth! (ie. around your lips). Those are cold sores.

Who can you see for cold sores?

Your doctor would be a good start... or go to the walk in clinic.

Do you get cold soers from staying up late?

If you have been going to sleep late, you get cold sores when you then go to sleep at an earlier time.