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your chest muscles or pectorals are a very hard muscle to grow but using a fly machine brings your arm together moving sideways putting them at an L shape

pushups are great to build them up

pectorals are built by using wide pushes in general speaking

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9y ago

You can help to increase your chest size by doing certain exercises. Exercises that focus on the chest are bench press and pushups.

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Q: How do you make chest muscles grow?
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What exercise helps the muscles in your chest grow the fastest?

press-ups, lifting weights

Will hgh make my muscles grow?

Yes, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) can make your muscles grow

Is there a spell to make your chest grow?

No, there is no spell to make your chest grow. Your chest grows naturally when it is ready, there is nothing that you can do to speed-up the process, certainly not magic.

How can you make your muscles grow fast?

To make your muscles grow fast you need a protein rich diet and adequate exercise.

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You can exercise and make your hips grow more muscles. Eat a diet with enough protein to help the muscles grow.

What are the benefits of a lifting weight at the chest?

There are many muscles in your chest area, therefore you can exercise them to make them bigger or more lean. The benefits of weight lifting at the chest is to make sure your chest is muscular and has less fat.

What medicine does a gay man take to make his chest hormones grow?

There is no such thing as "chest hormones"

How do muscles cause your chest to move when you breath?

When you breathe your chest rises and falls with each breath because under you rib cage is the diaphram that expands causing your chest to rise with each breath you take in and when you exhale your chest falls because your diaphram is pushing the air out.

How can you have more muscles?

it is not possible to have more muscles but it is possible to grow them and make them stronger through working out

How do you flex your chest?

To flex your chest, you tighten the muscles that are in that area. This might include your arms or back as well, but you tighten the muscles in your chest and abs.

What is the origin and insertion of the chest?

There is different muscles in the chest. It just depends where and what muscle you are talking about. There is different muscles in the chest. It just depends where and what muscle you are talking about.