you would know if a hot boy likes u if he makes you laugh!Dont forget let the boy be good!
if a boy liked you see if he realy likes you and if he realy likes you and if he likes you you should ask him out
You really can't make a boy like you quickly... try being his friend for awhile and get to know him, then try to see if he likes you
Well u can see that a boy likes you by him watching you or trying to hand out with you I know that now because at my school a boy was looking at my but and he finally asked me out
talk to him or get a friend to see if he likes you
There is no way to make a boy date you. A boy will only date you if he likes you. Start out slowly by becoming his friend.
ask him
make sure you hang out with his Friends and him act cool and make sure you say funny suff to the boy do not be shy and show off a bit only a tiny bit not to much or you would not get him look nice and do research about him see want he likes. good luck
Get your freinds to see if he likes you.
You should really try talking to your friend to work things out. Make sure this boy doesn't cause any problems between you and your friend. Talk it over and see what happens.
ask him out or use a friend to see if he likes you
you could hang around him and see what he likes in a girl then be the type of girl he likes
I'm a boy and if you want to know if he does is to see how he reacts to you and other girls. I have a girlfriend and we started as friends and now we are together. A boy will want to talk to you and make you laugh. I have answered many of these just be yourself no one likes a girl who is fake and dont try to freak him out.