well you make a heart by typping alt 3 ♥
★ copy and paste this. if you want more alt codes go to this website http://www.tedmontgomery.com/tutorial/ALTchrc.html okay bye now =) hold onto the ALT and press the numbers 9733 then let go of the ALT key. you should get this ★ press ALT 9734 for a hollowed out star ☆.
To make a star symbol, you can use the Alt code method on a Windows computer. Press and hold the Alt key while typing 9733 on the numeric keypad, then release the Alt key to display a star symbol (β ). This method works in programs that support Unicode input.
I'm guessing that you're talking about holding the ALT key and tapping several numbers? Unfortunately, there is no solid star coded to do that. What you're doing when you type those is using the "ascii system," which is used primarily in computer programming.
alt 3
Hold the "alt" key and type 116 and then let up on the "alt" key to get a t.
you can't make a shooting star with your keyboard sorry
Hold down the alt key while entering 0183 and then release the alt key
Press alt. and on the side key bored...while pressing down alt...hit numbers
Hold ALT and press 1 5 7 on the Num Pad, then release ALT. This does not work on laptops.i dunno then
I think on microsoft word, hold alt then press 10048