They sell "drum dampers." They're mats you put on the head before you play. I've heard of people putting towels in their drums, but that requires removing and retensioning the heads, which never works right.
To make electronic drums quieter, you can use drum mutes or pads on the drum heads, adjust the volume settings on the drum module, and use headphones instead of speakers for monitoring.
You can use brushes instead of sticks to make it quieter.
Use a pad or using brushes, Brushes make the drum quieter when hit then when hit with a drumstick. The Brushes might make the drum sound a little bit different then when hit with a drumstick. A pad will also make it quieter, it sounds like the drum but only muffled. It's recommended that with a pad to use drumsticks and not brushes.
Normally hitting the drum closer to the edge would make the note lower, it can make it quieter. Sometimes a drum can have a "sweet spot" as it is called this is where when struck gives the best tone.
To make your drum set silent for practicing at home without disturbing others, you can use drum mutes or practice pads on your drums and cymbals. These accessories dampen the sound and make your drum set quieter while still allowing you to practice effectively. Additionally, you can consider setting up your drum set in a room with soundproofing materials or using electronic drums with headphones for silent practice.
I'm not sure if this is the proper answer to your question. The drum beat called a ghost means that the hit that your doing is a lot quieter compared to the other hits your doing in the beat. Hence, the name ghost.
Drum noise reduction pads are effective in reducing the sound level of a drum kit by absorbing and dampening the vibrations produced by the drums, resulting in a quieter overall sound.
It really depends on the type fo snare drum. For example parade drums are meant to be loud, but piccolo is a quieter drum due to its size. In the drum family, yes it probably is the loudest in perspective, but depending on how hard you hit it, it could be the bass drum as well.
depends on how you react to music. if it calms you, then yes you'll be quieter, otherwise if it makes you energized, then probably not
if they are drum brakes it could be that the drums friction surface has a defect on it and everytime the shoes hit it it pops or it could be a bad hold down or quieter spring in the drum itself
To make the sound sound loud, press harder down on the key. To make it sound quieter (piano) press lighter down on the key.